Welcome to our blog! We are three sisters who love to exercise our creative muscles to solve problems, beautify our homes and make pretty things for our families and friends. Nicole is the eldest, lives in the Washington state, has five kiddos and works as a fitness instructor. Nancy is the middle child, lives in Ontario Canada, has four kiddos and is a stay at home mom. Nyla lives in British Columbia, has five kiddos and is a nurse. You've probably figured out where the "n" in nostalgia comes from. Thanks for stopping by!
This is Nicole and I get the honor of the first post. I love to sew halloween costumes and have been doing it since my children were infants. Lucy's was the most elaborate this year as we had to figure out how to make the Beaux Batons hat. It turned out really cute but got a wee bit distorted in the pictures. The fabric for Katie's dress had a stretch to it which made it tricky to sew (especially since I made my own patterns this year) but it turned out so pretty that it was worth it. Miles's ninja suit was a hand-me-down but i made the sash and mask. And sword. Since ninja is also his future career choice (he has always answered the "what do you want to be when you grow up?" question with "a ninja") he was pretty happy with it. Luke decided to "make it easy on you mom" by being "Super Me." I sewed felt letters onto an athletic shirt, made a cape and mask, and lent a pair of triathlon shorts. He added the Canada hat himself. Max took elements from his old clown outfit (as an accomplished unicyclist he's been in a couple of parades etc) and made a clown-zombie look that scared the pants off several people.
I was on the phone with Nancy on halloween morning and she was telling me about these great caramel apples she had made. I am not very good at confections as I general rule but thought i'd give it a try. Mmmmm! My kids loved it and it was really really easy. just add a couple of tablespoons of water to about 50 unwrapped caramels, melt them in the microwave and stir until smooth. Them I put melted chocolate chips, white chips and peanutbutter chips in ziplock baggies with one corner cut off and drizzled them over the dipped apples. They are not as pretty as Nan's I'm sure but for my first ever try at caramel apples I was pretty pleased.
Great job on the caramel apples, and I love the costumes!! Max's zombie clown is so freaky/scary/awesome I just might steal the idea for myself next year, and Brianna wants to be a Beauxbatons girl now for next Halloween. Love it!!